Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra: The Armoured Dove

We are entering eclipse season with a lunar eclipse, over the Full Moon in Libra (5˚). The full moon eclipse occurs at 7am on 25th March, which happens to be my birthday! Having an eclipse right on your birthday is quite a thing, and suggests that this could be an intense year for me personally (though my solar return actually falls a day earlier this year, as I write this on 24th March - phew!). The primary themes of a Libra full moon centre around conflict and harmony, war and peace, action and reflection, the assertion of individual sovereignty - vs - consideration for others. It is about the art of relationship, and the negotiation of agreements within any kind of partnership. It's that eternal question: how do we remain open to connect with another, whilst at the same time retaining an authentic connection with ourselves?

There is a startling piece of graffiti on the wall of the Palestinian Heritage Centre in Bethlehem (attributed to the enigmagatic artist, Banksy), which depicts a dove wearing a bulletproof vest with a gun sighting target on it.  This seems a very apt symbol for a full moon eclipse, with a shadowed Moon in Libra opposed to the Aries Sun. It forces us to address the tension between the ideals of peace and reconciliation that our souls cry out for and the realities of war  and conflict which betray those ideals whenever a shot is fired in anger.  Libra is ruled by Venus, planet of harmony and balance, while Aries is ruled by Mars, god of war.  A lunar eclipse across the Aries-Libra axis really brings out the shadow distortion of these energies.  The distortion of Aries convinces us that we are separate and blinds us to all the ways in which we are related.  It promotes a way of thinking that is predicated upon fighting and competition.  The distortion of Libra persuades us that artful rhetoric, diplomatic agreements and 'keeping up appearances' are enough to sustain a lasting peace.

This lunar eclipse comes hot on the heels of the Spring Equinox, where the strong, thrusting ‘will forces’ of the Aries season kick in, catalysing new beginnings, initiating action and stirring passions.  Over this full moon, this fiery impulse is opposed by the more considered, reflective, culturally sensitive qualities of Libra, where the consequences of our actions are weighed in the scales of balance, and our behaviours are assessed in the light of reason.

Libra prompts us to accommodate the needs and desires of another, to become aware of the fact that we are inevitably related to one another, and that we always have been; that there is no separation, and and that the idea of independence is ultimately false.  We need each other because we are each other.  This is directly opposed to the self-driven, self-oriented energy of Aries, to which this truth of relatedness is not immediately apparent. Aries is motivated by the pure experience to be and to live and to experience everything that life is in its raw, primal essence.  

Aries may convince us that as autonomous individuals, we must make our own way in life, follow our own passions and seek our own redemption directly with God.  There is a raw truth in this too, but though the medicine of Libra, we learn that our very being can only be validated through another's witnessing of it. From the Libran perspective, I am because you are. Libra teaches us that we never act in isolation; each individual action that arises from the will is met with a consequence necessary to restore the balance. Indeed the very circumstances of our incarnation in this lifetime are a consequence of the imbalance we have generated in former lives through the inconsiderate execution of the untempered will. Libra invites us in to this reflection.

The only major aspect that the moon makes in the eclipse chart is a trine to Pluto, which can intensfiy the depth of emotional sensitivity and enhance psychic perception. Moon-Pluto aspects activate the hidden truths that lie buried in the shadow, and this can make us more reactive and defensive, but as this a trine aspect, it is likely to support a process of deep psychological growth and regeneration, where that is needed. 

Libra's ruling planet Venus, is now separating from its conjunction to Saturn, and is an exact sextile with Jupiter, which suggests more of a spirit of co-operation and the desire for peace in relationships, opening possibilities for growth where previously there was an atmosphere of fear, control and restriction.   

This full moon eclipse is followed in two weeks time by a total solar eclipse in Aries (8th April) which will occur in exact conjunction to Chiron, the wounded healer and we can see the foretaste of the Chironic themes in this full moon chart, with Chiron being closely aligned to the north node in Aries and opposite the Libran south node, which predicts the forthcoming total eclipse. I often speak about the wound of Aries being about having to fight for our very existence, while the wound of Libra is about making false compromises that gloss over the truth for the sake of a union that cannot hold because the root issue has not been addressed.  This all seems very poignant in these times of horrendous conflict, identity crisis, and loss of sovereignty.  I will talk more about this in the new moon newsletter next month.  

My Libra mantra runs: "I come in peace, I walk in beauty, and I choose the middle path."

Full Moon Blessings to all.

A Celebration of Astrology at The Royal Albert Hall: Sat 30th March

I am delighted to be speaking at an event at the Royal Albert Hall in London this Saturday, organised by the London School of Astrology, alongside some good friends, who happen also to be some of my favourite astrologers: Melanie Reinhart, Mark Jones, Deborah Houlding & Frank Clifford.  I'll be talking about astrology as a healing art, and will be discussing the themes of my forthcoming book, 'The Twelve Sacred Wounds'.  There are still a few tickets left, you can purchase them here. 


Diploma Course in Astrological Studies: 5th Oct 2024 -10 Sep 2025

I am delighted to be offering another diploma programme, which takes us on from foundation level and really works with how to apply astrological understanding in practice, with friends, family and clients. The course is delivered in seven modules. Each module will focus on the questions that clients typically come with to a consultation. Each module carries a different theme. These are vocation, relationships, family dynamics, money, health, and karma. The final module of the course is dedicated to the art of astrological practice, which deals with the ethics of practice, and counselling skills.

Taking the diploma course will significantly increase your ability to interpret a chart in depth and give you the confidence to apply your interpretive understanding in real life situations with friends and clients. The course will really help you to ground your existing knowledge of astrological technique, develop your language, use of metaphor, and intuitive skills in the way your connect to the astrological signatures of a birth chart. The course is rooted in its ethical approach to offering astrological guidance and giving consultations.

Click here for full details of the diploma course...

Planets Alive:  Embodied Astrology & Astrodrama Retreat: 24 - 29 Sep 2024

Meet the planetary archetypes and experience how they come alive and animate your life! Experience the healing theatre of your own astrological chart in a beautiful retreat centre in the heart of the Glastonbury Zodiac landscape. Five days of embodied, experiential astrology play, dance, song and ceremony.

Astrodrama takes us beyond words, concepts and psychological analysis to evoke the archetypal dimension of astrology. The experience enables us to contact planetary energies through direct experience with the vital rhythms of soul and psyche.

More details about the astrodrama retreat here…

Glastonbury Zodiac Milky Way Pilgrimage: 6 - 8 Sep 2024

I still have a few places available on my Glastonbury Zodiac Milky Way Pilgrimage, a 26-mile walk over 2 days, following the Milky Way path as it arches its way across Glastonbury's landscape 'temple of the stars'.

This is a unique two-day pilgrimage following the Milky Way path across the Glastonbury Zodiac.  This pilgrimage route, which runs from Lamyatt Beacon (near Bruton) to High Ham (near Langport).  It follows the Milky Way path as it maps from the night sky onto the landscape of the Glastonbury Zodiac, and was originally discovered by Anthony Thorley & Celia Gunn.  John has been leading the pilgrimage since 2014.

The pilgrimage involves two days of walking, and we will have a 2-night camp set up at Avalon Permaculture Gardens in Butleigh, gathering there on Fri 1st Sept where we will prepare ourselves for the walk and share delicious food together before taking transport to the start of the walk on Saturday morning.  Our camp is at the halfway point of the route, so we will arrive early evening on Saturday to be met with dinner and will share stories around the campfire!

More details about the Milky Way Pilgrimage…

1-2-1 Consultations / Mentoring & Supervision

I am offering 1-2-1 astrological consultations, both in person, in Glastonbury, and on zoom.  I am also offering ongoing astrological counselling over six sessions, if you want to go deeper.  You can book through the consultations page.

I am also offer a 1-2-1 mentoring and supervision programme for those who want to practice astrology professionally.  Please email me for details if this is of interest.


New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries: 8 Apr 2024


New Moon in Pisces: Surrender to the Deeper Mystery