Full Moon in Leo: The Radiant & the Radical

This month’s full moon falls in charismatic Leo, the sign that invites us to open our hearts, claim our true sovereignty and radiate our presence. And it is a highly charged moon this, full of radical, revolutionary energy, as the Sun and Moon, opposed across the Leo-Aquarius axis, are making an exact t-square with Uranus at 15˚ Taurus. So whatever was seeded as an intention at the new moon (14 days prior), may now experience an unforeseen consequence, whether that be an unexpected change of plan, an accelerated insight, a crisis or breakthrough of understanding or perspective. This full moon also occurs with Venus (in Pisces) and Mars (in Gemini) in square aspect which ramps up the energetic sexual tension in our lives, and can intensify the dynamics in our relationships with others. It’s strong stuff!

With Uranus squaring up to this full moon, there is an apparent conflict between what we need to bring forth of our authentic nature in a way that reveals our creative potential as sovereign beings (Moon in Leo) and what is sustainable in terms of the complex systems upon which we depend. Uranus delivers information from the margins, from the periphery, something we tend to overlook while we are focussing so much upon ourselves as the prime generators of our lives. The crisis of perception that Uranus triggers in such a hard aspect to a Leo full moon, often derives from a failure to cultivate our peripheral vision; an inability to see that we are always, already connected to a complex web or relationships and that we are only who we are because of that. A hard Uranus aspect like this shatters the illusion that we have exclusive control over the course of our lives, and it forces to us to confront the wider implications of our actions and behaviours; to see where we have neglected to effectively delegate tasks and responsibilities. It can bring a radical reassessment of who we are in the wider system.

A Leo full moon will always occurs during Aquarius season, and Uranus is the modern ruling planet of Aquarius, so this t-square aspect figure really accentuates the tension between these two signs. Aquarius will prioritise the 'greater good' of the community over the concerns of the individual, a more dispassionate, abstract overview of what is best for all, but during the Leo full moon, there is a counter requirement that the sovereignty of the heart be recognised; where personal needs and rights demand centre stage.

So the question is: how we can remain fully centred in the heart, and fully present to our feelings as they arise, while also remaining alert to what is occurring at the edges of our thinking.  How do we include that and allow it to expand our field of knowing, to see where things are going.  While Leo brings us into our heart-full presence, Aquarius inspires our mindful prescience.  In the body, Leo rules the heart and spine, while Aquarius oversees the oxygenation and circulation of the blood, and the nervous system. 

Aquarius, and Uranus, hold a de-centralised vision of the world, where power is invested in the systemic circulation of energy and ideas, and promotes collective accountability. Leo, on the other hand, insists upon central governance, and its truth is rooted in the heroic principles of authenticity, honour, courage and personal accountability.  One is not better that the other; both are essential to the healthy sustenance of any organism or system.  Yet from the partisan Aquarian perspective, the Leonine focus on self and personal autonomy seems self-centred, blind to the concerns of the wider network. And when one is consumed by the Leo perspective, Aquarius seems to lack heart, is pre-occupied with mentalism and technology, and its systematic approach to situations seems too abstract and aloof from the lived human experience.  So this full moon is about getting in touch with that tension within ourselves, recognising where the extremes are, and finding the balance point.

Full moon blessings to all.


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New Moon in Aquarius: What difference do you make?